Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AABB2D Axis Aligned Bounding Box
AlphaFadeInTransitionFades in the alpha value of a solid color
AlphaFadeOutTransitionFades out the alpha value of a solid color
AnimatedParticleA basic struct for Particles that allows for particles with animated textures
AnimatedParticleDrawPolicyA draw policy for drawing particles of type AnimatedParticle
AnimatedSpriteA sprite that contains animation data
AnimatedSprite::AnimationHolds all of the data neccecary for rendering a complete animation
AnimatedSprite::AnimationFrameHolds all of the data neccecary for rendering a frame in an animation
BackgroundEffectBase class for background effects
BallClass that represents the brickout ball
BallHitSmokePolicyPolicy that the creates the Ball hit smoke ParticleSystem
BallTrailPolicyPolicy that the creates a Ball trail ParticleSystem
BezierCurve< N >Represents an nth degree bezier curve
BrickExplodePolicyPolicy that creates the Brick explosion ParticleSystem
BrickOutGameRepresents the BrickOut |ReDuX| Game
BufferedKeyboardInputClass that buffers text input from a keyboard
Color4fClass for holding 32bit floating point RGBA color data
CommandLineClass that parses the command line and allows for easy access to the commands
CompositeInitPolicy< Policy1, Policy2, ParticleType >A policy that combines any two distict policies with the same methods as found in the InitPolicy class. NOTE: Policy1 and Policy2 should not have the same names for any of its members
CompositePolicyA policy that combines any two distict policies with the same methods as found in the UpdatePolicy class. NOTE: Policy1 and Policy2 should not have the same names for any of its members
ConfigFileLoads a configuration file
ConfigFile::ConfigValueHolds a single config value
ConsoleClass that allows for in-game text output and user input
Console::ConStreamAn input stream to the console
ContinuousEmitPolicy< ParticleType >Defines the an emit policy that continuously emits particles with some flowrate
ConVarRepresents a single console variable or command
ConVarListenerInterface for listening to console variable changes
CreditsDisplays scrolling game credits
CreditSectionHolds the data for one section of the credits
CubicSplineRepresents a natural cubic spline
DataPathsStatic class for accessing paths to data directories
DefaultEmitPolicy< ParticleType >Defines the default emit policy that never emits particles
DefaultPaddleThe BrickOut |ReDuX| defualt paddle
DefaultParticleDrawThe default policy for drawing particles of type Particle
CreditSection::ElementRepresents a single element in a CreditSection
FontThe Font resource class
ForceNoResourceSharingCan be used as init data to force the Resource manager to never share a resource
GameCompleteScreenClass used to display the game over and level complete screens
GameMouseA game spacific mouse
GameSettingsHolds settings for the brickout redux game
GameSplashScreenClass used to display the initial splash screen
GameStateDefines a class that holds and maintains game states
GameStateListenerDefines an interface for listnening to game state events
GUIMainMenuRepresents the main menu (and in-game menu)
GUIMultiplierTimerGUIMultiplierTimer displays a decreasing timer bar
GUINameEntryScreenThe NameEntryScreen class used for entering names for high scores
GUINameTextEntryThe name text entry gui element
GUIPanelThe base class for all GUI elements
GUIProgressBarClass that represents a progress bar
GUIScoreBoardGUIScoreBoard displays the games score and other game related info
GUITextGUI element that displays static text
GUITextEntryText entry gui element
HighScoreDefines a single high score
HighScoresDefines a class that holds and displays High Scores
IEnvironmentInterface class to the global environment of the currently running application
IKeyboardDefines the interface that a Keyboard implementation must implement
ImageThe Image resource class
IMouseDefines the interface that a Mouse implementation must implement
InitPolicy< PositionPolicy, VelocityPolicy, AnglePolicy, SizePolicy, ColorPolicy, AgePolicy, UserPolicy, ParticleType >The complete Policy template for initializing particles, used by the ParticleSystem class
IScreenInterface class for interacting and manipulating the screen
Playlist::IteratorA forward and backward (constant) iterator for walking through the list of songs
KeyDataDefines all of the information needed to fully describe a single key input
KeyFilteredBufferedKeyboardInputClass that filters keys before buffering text input from a keyboard
LengthLimitedBufferedKeyboardInputClass that limits the length of input from the keyboard
LevelThe class that represents a single BrickOut level
LevelListenerBase class for listening to level events
LineA 2D Line segment
Matrix< T >A 3x3 matrix class suited for 2D graphics
MusicThe Music class
MusicPlayerThe MusicPlayer class
MusicVisualizerEffectMusic visualizer background effect
NullInitPolicy< ParticleType >A policy that does nothing and can be used as any policy template paramater in the InitPolicy class
NullUpdatePolicy< ParticleType >A policy that does nothing and can be used as any policy template paramater in the UpdatePolicy class
PaddleThe user controlled paddle
PaddleSparkPolicyPolicy that creates a Spark ParticleSystem
PaddleThrusterFirePolicyPolicy that creates a fire thruster ParticleSystem
PaddleThrusterPolicyPolicy that creates a thruster ParticleSystem
ParticleA basic struct for Particles, should be sufficient for most particle systems
ParticleSystem< MaxParticles, InitPolicy, UpdatePolicy, EmitPolicy, DrawPolicy, ParticleType >The base class for spawning and managing particles
PhysicsDistanceJointRepresent a simple joint that maintains a constant distance between two objects
PhysicsJointBase class for representing physics objects
PhysicsShapeRepresents a single physics shape used for collision detections
PhysicsShape::PhysicsShapeDataHolds all of the data needed to fully descibe a PhysicsShape
PlaylistHolds a list of songs to play
Point2< T >A 2D Point template
PowerUpDefines the physics object that represents a movable powerup object that can be picked up by the paddle
PowerUpGrabbedPolicyPolicy that creates the particle effect when power ups are grabbed by the paddle
RayA 2D Ray
Rect_t< T >A 2D rectangle
Resource< initType >The base type for all managed resources
ResourceMgr< resType, initType >Loads and manages Resource data of a spacific type
ResourceRef< resType, initType >The class used to access resource data
SDLApplicationRepresents a realtime app using SDL
SDLKeyboardThe SDL implementation of the IKeyboard interface
SDLMouseThe SDL implementation of the IMouse interface
SDLScreenImplementation of the IScreen interface using SDL
SlantedSlideInTransitionA slanted slide in transition
SlantedSlideOutTransitionA slanted slide out transition
SmokeFountainPolicyPolicy that creates a quick fountain of upward moving smoke
SmokeWallPolicyPolicy that creates a wall of upward moving smoke
SolidColorDelayTransitionA solid color delay transition
Playlist::SongThe information held for each song in the playlist
SoundThe Sound class
SoundSampleThe SoundSample resource class
SoundStreamThe SoundStream resource class
SparklePolicyParticleSystem policy that creates a simple sprkling fountain
SpriteClass that allows for the movment, scaling and rotation of 2D images
StarFieldEffectA moving starfield background effect
StarFieldPolicySimple policy that creates a StarField ParticleSystem. Is all inclusive containing init and update policies
TextParticleA text particle
TextParticleSystemA simple particle system that draws each partical as a string of text
TransitionBase class for a transition
TransitionDelayBase class for delay transitions
TransitionEffectInterface for transition effects
TransitionEffectListenerInterface for listening to transition effect events
TransitionInBase class for in transitions
TransitionOutBase class for out transitions
UpdatePolicy< MotionPolicy, PositionPolicy, VelocityPolicy, AnglePolicy, SizePolicy, ColorPolicy, AgePolicy, UserPolicy, ParticleType >The complete Policy template for updating particles, used by the ParticleSystem class
Vector2< T >A 2D vector template
Generated on Mon Apr 5 19:08:05 2010 for BrickOut |ReDuX| by  doxygen 1.6.3