AABB | 2D Axis Aligned Bounding Box |
AlphaFadeInTransition | Fades in the alpha value of a solid color |
AlphaFadeOutTransition | Fades out the alpha value of a solid color |
AnimatedParticle | A basic struct for Particles that allows for particles with animated textures |
AnimatedParticleDrawPolicy | A draw policy for drawing particles of type AnimatedParticle |
AnimatedSprite | A sprite that contains animation data |
AnimatedSprite::Animation | Holds all of the data neccecary for rendering a complete animation |
AnimatedSprite::AnimationFrame | Holds all of the data neccecary for rendering a frame in an animation |
BackgroundEffect | Base class for background effects |
Ball | Class that represents the brickout ball |
BallHitSmokePolicy | Policy that the creates the Ball hit smoke ParticleSystem |
BallTrailPolicy | Policy that the creates a Ball trail ParticleSystem |
BezierCurve< N > | Represents an nth degree bezier curve |
BrickExplodePolicy | Policy that creates the Brick explosion ParticleSystem |
BrickOutGame | Represents the BrickOut |ReDuX| Game |
BufferedKeyboardInput | Class that buffers text input from a keyboard |
Color4f | Class for holding 32bit floating point RGBA color data |
CommandLine | Class that parses the command line and allows for easy access to the commands |
CompositeInitPolicy< Policy1, Policy2, ParticleType > | A policy that combines any two distict policies with the same methods as found in the InitPolicy class. NOTE: Policy1 and Policy2 should not have the same names for any of its members |
CompositePolicy | A policy that combines any two distict policies with the same methods as found in the UpdatePolicy class. NOTE: Policy1 and Policy2 should not have the same names for any of its members |
ConfigFile | Loads a configuration file |
ConfigFile::ConfigValue | Holds a single config value |
Console | Class that allows for in-game text output and user input |
Console::ConStream | An input stream to the console |
ContinuousEmitPolicy< ParticleType > | Defines the an emit policy that continuously emits particles with some flowrate |
ConVar | Represents a single console variable or command |
ConVarListener | Interface for listening to console variable changes |
Credits | Displays scrolling game credits |
CreditSection | Holds the data for one section of the credits |
CubicSpline | Represents a natural cubic spline |
DataPaths | Static class for accessing paths to data directories |
DefaultEmitPolicy< ParticleType > | Defines the default emit policy that never emits particles |
DefaultPaddle | The BrickOut |ReDuX| defualt paddle |
DefaultParticleDraw | The default policy for drawing particles of type Particle |
CreditSection::Element | Represents a single element in a CreditSection |
Font | The Font resource class |
ForceNoResourceSharing | Can be used as init data to force the Resource manager to never share a resource |
GameCompleteScreen | Class used to display the game over and level complete screens |
GameMouse | A game spacific mouse |
GameSettings | Holds settings for the brickout redux game |
GameSplashScreen | Class used to display the initial splash screen |
GameState | Defines a class that holds and maintains game states |
GameStateListener | Defines an interface for listnening to game state events |
GUIMainMenu | Represents the main menu (and in-game menu) |
GUIMultiplierTimer | GUIMultiplierTimer displays a decreasing timer bar |
GUINameEntryScreen | The NameEntryScreen class used for entering names for high scores |
GUINameTextEntry | The name text entry gui element |
GUIPanel | The base class for all GUI elements |
GUIProgressBar | Class that represents a progress bar |
GUIScoreBoard | GUIScoreBoard displays the games score and other game related info |
GUIText | GUI element that displays static text |
GUITextEntry | Text entry gui element |
HighScore | Defines a single high score |
HighScores | Defines a class that holds and displays High Scores |
IEnvironment | Interface class to the global environment of the currently running application |
IKeyboard | Defines the interface that a Keyboard implementation must implement |
Image | The Image resource class |
IMouse | Defines the interface that a Mouse implementation must implement |
InitPolicy< PositionPolicy, VelocityPolicy, AnglePolicy, SizePolicy, ColorPolicy, AgePolicy, UserPolicy, ParticleType > | The complete Policy template for initializing particles, used by the ParticleSystem class |
IScreen | Interface class for interacting and manipulating the screen |
Playlist::Iterator | A forward and backward (constant) iterator for walking through the list of songs |
KeyData | Defines all of the information needed to fully describe a single key input |
KeyFilteredBufferedKeyboardInput | Class that filters keys before buffering text input from a keyboard |
LengthLimitedBufferedKeyboardInput | Class that limits the length of input from the keyboard |
Level | The class that represents a single BrickOut level |
LevelListener | Base class for listening to level events |
Line | A 2D Line segment |
Matrix< T > | A 3x3 matrix class suited for 2D graphics |
Music | The Music class |
MusicPlayer | The MusicPlayer class |
MusicVisualizerEffect | Music visualizer background effect |
NullInitPolicy< ParticleType > | A policy that does nothing and can be used as any policy template paramater in the InitPolicy class |
NullUpdatePolicy< ParticleType > | A policy that does nothing and can be used as any policy template paramater in the UpdatePolicy class |
Paddle | The user controlled paddle |
PaddleSparkPolicy | Policy that creates a Spark ParticleSystem |
PaddleThrusterFirePolicy | Policy that creates a fire thruster ParticleSystem |
PaddleThrusterPolicy | Policy that creates a thruster ParticleSystem |
Particle | A basic struct for Particles, should be sufficient for most particle systems |
ParticleSystem< MaxParticles, InitPolicy, UpdatePolicy, EmitPolicy, DrawPolicy, ParticleType > | The base class for spawning and managing particles |
PhysicsDistanceJoint | Represent a simple joint that maintains a constant distance between two objects |
PhysicsJoint | Base class for representing physics objects |
PhysicsShape | Represents a single physics shape used for collision detections |
PhysicsShape::PhysicsShapeData | Holds all of the data needed to fully descibe a PhysicsShape |
Playlist | Holds a list of songs to play |
Point2< T > | A 2D Point template |
PowerUp | Defines the physics object that represents a movable powerup object that can be picked up by the paddle |
PowerUpGrabbedPolicy | Policy that creates the particle effect when power ups are grabbed by the paddle |
Ray | A 2D Ray |
Rect_t< T > | A 2D rectangle |
Resource< initType > | The base type for all managed resources |
ResourceMgr< resType, initType > | Loads and manages Resource data of a spacific type |
ResourceRef< resType, initType > | The class used to access resource data |
SDLApplication | Represents a realtime app using SDL |
SDLKeyboard | The SDL implementation of the IKeyboard interface |
SDLMouse | The SDL implementation of the IMouse interface |
SDLScreen | Implementation of the IScreen interface using SDL |
SlantedSlideInTransition | A slanted slide in transition |
SlantedSlideOutTransition | A slanted slide out transition |
SmokeFountainPolicy | Policy that creates a quick fountain of upward moving smoke |
SmokeWallPolicy | Policy that creates a wall of upward moving smoke |
SolidColorDelayTransition | A solid color delay transition |
Playlist::Song | The information held for each song in the playlist |
Sound | The Sound class |
SoundSample | The SoundSample resource class |
SoundStream | The SoundStream resource class |
SparklePolicy | ParticleSystem policy that creates a simple sprkling fountain |
Sprite | Class that allows for the movment, scaling and rotation of 2D images |
StarFieldEffect | A moving starfield background effect |
StarFieldPolicy | Simple policy that creates a StarField ParticleSystem. Is all inclusive containing init and update policies |
TextParticle | A text particle |
TextParticleSystem | A simple particle system that draws each partical as a string of text |
Transition | Base class for a transition |
TransitionDelay | Base class for delay transitions |
TransitionEffect | Interface for transition effects |
TransitionEffectListener | Interface for listening to transition effect events |
TransitionIn | Base class for in transitions |
TransitionOut | Base class for out transitions |
UpdatePolicy< MotionPolicy, PositionPolicy, VelocityPolicy, AnglePolicy, SizePolicy, ColorPolicy, AgePolicy, UserPolicy, ParticleType > | The complete Policy template for updating particles, used by the ParticleSystem class |
Vector2< T > | A 2D vector template |