GUIPanel Class Reference

The base class for all GUI elements. More...

#include <GUI/GUIPanel.h>

Inherited by GUIAboutMenu, GUIButton, GUIImage, GUIMainMenu, GUIMultiplierTimer, GUINameEntryScreen, GUIProgressBar, GUIScoreBoard, GUIText, GUITextEntry, and GUIViewport.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GUIPanel ()
 GUIPanel (GUIPanel *p)
virtual ~GUIPanel ()
virtual void OnMouseOver (const IMouse &m)
 Method called when the mouse moves over the panel.
virtual void OnMouseLeave (const IMouse &m)
 Method called when the mouse moves out of the panel.
virtual void OnMouseHover (const IMouse &m)
 Method called when the mouse is hovering over the panel.
virtual void OnMouseClick (const IMouse &m)
 Method called when a mouse clicks a button on the panel.
virtual void OnMouseRelease (const IMouse &m)
 Method called when a mouse releases a button over the panel.
virtual bool InActiveArea (const Point2f &p) const
 Returns true if the point 'p' is inside this panel.
virtual void OnFocusGained (const IKeyboard &kb)
 Called when the panel gains keyboard focus.
virtual void OnFocusLost (const IKeyboard &kb)
 Called when the panel loses keyboard focus.
virtual void OnActivation ()
 Called when the panel is activated.
virtual void OnDeactivation ()
 Called when the panel is deactivated.
virtual void KeyboardUpdate (const IKeyboard &kb)
 Called each frame when the panel has focus.
virtual const char * GetPanelTypeName () const
 Gets the string type identifier for the GUI element.
virtual void Update (float dt)
 Updates the panel and all of its active children.
void Draw ()
 Draws the GUI element and its children.
void RequestFocus ()
 Requests keyborad focus.
void VisitChildren (const GUIPanelVisitor &visitor)
 Visits each child util the visistors Vist method returns false or all children are visited.
void VisitChildrenFrontToBack (const GUIPanelVisitor &visitor)
 Visits each child util the visistors Vist method returns false or all children are visited.
void AddChild (GUIPanel *p)
 Adds a child panel.
void RemoveChild (GUIPanel *p)
 Removes a child panel.
void RemoveChild (uint i)
 Removes a child panel.
uint NumberOfChildren () const
 Returns the number of child panels.
GUIPanelQuery (const Point2f &p) const
 Finds the first panel under the given point.
GUIPanelGetParent () const
 Returns the panels parent.
GUIPanelGetChild (uint i) const
 Returns the ith of child panel.
void SetPosition (const Point2f &p)
 Sets the position of the top left corner of the GUI panel.
void SetWidth (float w)
 Sets the width of the panels bounding area.
void SetHeight (float h)
 Sets the height of the panels bounding area.
void SetArea (const Rectf &r)
 Sets the panels area.
void CenterInArea (const Rectf &r, const Point2f offset=Point2f(0.0f, 0.0f))
 Positions the panel into the center of the given area.
Point2f GetPosition () const
 Returns the positioin of the top-left corner of the panel.
AABB GetBounds () const
 Returns the bounds of the panel as an AABB.
Rectf GetArea () const
 Returns the area of the panel as an Rect.
float GetWidth () const
 Gets the width of the bounding area for the panel.
float GetHeight () const
 Gets the height of the bounding area for the panel.
void MoveToFront ()
 Moves the panel to the front of the z-order.
void SetDepth (uint z)
 Sets the z-order of the panel.
uint GetDepth () const
 Gets the z-order of the panel.
bool IsActive () const
 Returns true if the panel is active.
void Activate ()
 Activates the panel.
void Deactivate ()
 Deactivates the panel.
bool IsVisible () const
 Returns true if the panel is visable.
void SetVisibility (bool vis)
 Sets if the panal is visable or not.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Paint ()
 Does the actual rendering of the GUI element.
virtual void RecomputeLayout ()
 Recomputes the bounds and layout for the panel. Called by the Refit() method.
virtual void OnUpdate (float dt)
 Call once a frame when the panel is active.
virtual void InternalRequestFocus (GUIPanel *p)
 Moves up the tree until a panel that can grant focus is reached.

Detailed Description

The base class for all GUI elements.

NOTE: The GUIPanel class takes complete ownership of all of its children and assumes they were dynamically allocated with a call to new.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GUIPanel::GUIPanel ( GUIPanel p  ) 


[in] p the panels parent.

Member Function Documentation

void GUIPanel::AddChild ( GUIPanel p  ) 

Adds a child panel.

[in] p the panel.
void GUIPanel::Draw (  ) 

Draws the GUI element and its children.

NOTE: Do not override.

uint GUIPanel::GetDepth (  )  const [inline]

Gets the z-order of the panel.

NOTE: Depth moves into the screen. 0 is the front of the screen.

float GUIPanel::GetHeight (  )  const [inline]

Gets the height of the bounding area for the panel.

the height.
virtual const char* GUIPanel::GetPanelTypeName (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Gets the string type identifier for the GUI element.

The string type identifier.

Reimplemented in GUIMainMenu, GUINameTextEntry, GUIText, and GUITextEntry.

float GUIPanel::GetWidth (  )  const [inline]

Gets the width of the bounding area for the panel.

the width.
virtual void GUIPanel::InternalRequestFocus ( GUIPanel p  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Moves up the tree until a panel that can grant focus is reached.

NOTE: Do not override this method.

virtual void GUIPanel::OnUpdate ( float  dt  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Call once a frame when the panel is active.

NOTE: Defaults to a no-op. Override in child class were applicable.

Reimplemented in GUINameTextEntry.

virtual void GUIPanel::Paint (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Does the actual rendering of the GUI element.

NOTE: Defaults to a no-op. Override in child class were applicable.

Reimplemented in GUINameTextEntry, GUINameEntryScreen, GUIScoreBoard, GUIProgressBar, GUIText, and GUITextEntry.

GUIPanel * GUIPanel::Query ( const Point2f p  )  const

Finds the first panel under the given point.

[in] p the query point.
the first panel under the given point.
virtual void GUIPanel::RecomputeLayout (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Recomputes the bounds and layout for the panel. Called by the Refit() method.

NOTE: Defaults to a no-op. Override in child class were applicable.

Reimplemented in GUINameTextEntry, GUIText, and GUITextEntry.

void GUIPanel::RemoveChild ( uint  i  ) 

Removes a child panel.

[in] i the index of the child to remove.
void GUIPanel::RemoveChild ( GUIPanel p  ) 

Removes a child panel.

[in] p the panel to remove.
void GUIPanel::SetDepth ( uint  z  ) 

Sets the z-order of the panel.

NOTE: Depth moves into the screen. 0 is the front of the screen.

void GUIPanel::SetHeight ( float  h  )  [inline]

Sets the height of the panels bounding area.

[in] h the height.
void GUIPanel::SetPosition ( const Point2f p  ) 

Sets the position of the top left corner of the GUI panel.

[in] p the position.
void GUIPanel::SetWidth ( float  w  )  [inline]

Sets the width of the panels bounding area.

[in] w the width.
void GUIPanel::Update ( float  dt  )  [virtual]

Updates the panel and all of its active children.

NOTE: This controls the propagation of the OnUpdate calls down the tree.

Reimplemented in GUIScoreBoard.

void GUIPanel::VisitChildren ( const GUIPanelVisitor &  visitor  ) 

Visits each child util the visistors Vist method returns false or all children are visited.

NOTE: Visits children in back to front order.

void GUIPanel::VisitChildrenFrontToBack ( const GUIPanelVisitor &  visitor  ) 

Visits each child util the visistors Vist method returns false or all children are visited.

NOTE: Visits chidren front to back.

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