AnimatedSprite.cpp | Implements the AnimatedSprite class |
AnimatedSprite.h | Declares the AnimatedSprite class |
BackgroundEffect.h | Declares the BackgroundEffect base class for representing niffty background effects |
Ball.cpp | Implements the ball class |
Ball.h | Declares the ball class |
BaseTypes.h | Defines base types and macros |
BrickGroup.cpp | Implements the BrickGroup class |
BrickGroup.h | Declares the BrickGroup class |
BrickOutGame.cpp | Implements the BrickOutGame class |
BrickOutGame.h | Declares the BrickOutGame class is the starting point for BrickOut |ReDuX| game |
BufferedKeyboardInput.cpp | Implements the BufferedKeyboardInput class |
BufferedKeyboardInput.h | Declares the BufferedKeyboardInput class that buffers text input from a keyboard |
Color.h | Defines the Color class |
CommandLine.cpp | Implements the CommandLine class |
CommandLine.h | Declares the CommandLine class |
ConfigFile.cpp | Implements the ConfigFile class |
ConfigFile.h | Declares the ConfigFile class that loads a configuration file |
Console.cpp | Implements the Console class |
Console.h | Declares the Console class used for outputting text and accepting user input in-game |
ConsoleVars.cpp | Defines global console variables |
ConsoleVars.h | Declares global console variables |
ConVar.cpp | Implements the ConVar class |
ConVar.h | Declares the ConVar class used for interacting with the application through the console |
Credits.h | Implements the Credits class |
Curve.h | Defines classes for representing variouse types of curves |
DataPaths.cpp | Implements the DataPaths static class |
DataPaths.h | Declares the DataPaths static class for accessing path information to data directories |
FileSystem.cpp | Implements system independent funcitons for managing the filesystem |
FileSystem.h | Declares system independent funcitons for managing the filesystem |
Font.h | Defines the Font resource class |
FormattedText.h | Defines functions for formatting text |
FramesPerSecond.cpp | Implements a class that counts the number of frames per second |
FramesPerSecond.h | Declares a class that counts the number of frames per second |
GameCompleteScreen.h | Defines GameCompleteScreen class used to display the game over and level complete screens |
GameMouse.h | Defines the mouse spacific to the BrickOut game |
GameSettings.cpp | Implements the class that holds games settings loaded from a config file |
GameSettings.h | Declares the class that holds games settings loaded from a config file |
GameSplashScreen.h | Defines GameSplashScreen class used to display the initial splash screen on load |
GameState.cpp | Implements the GameState class |
GameState.h | Defines GameState class |
Globals.cpp | Implements global functions |
Globals.h | Defines the global data set maintained by the application |
GUIButton.cpp | Implements the GUIButton class |
GUIButton.h | Declares the GUIButton class |
GUIMainMenu.cpp | Implements the GUIMenuButton class |
GUIMainMenu.h | Declares the GUIMenuButton class |
GUIMenuButton.cpp | Implements the GUIMenuButton class |
GUIMenuButton.h | Declares the GUIMenuButton class |
GUIMultiplierTimer.cpp | Implements the GUI element that represents the multiplier timer |
GUIMultiplierTimer.h | Declares the GUI element that represents the multiplier timer |
GUINameEntryScreen.h | Declares the GUINameEntryScreen class used for entering names for high scores |
GUIPanel.cpp | Implements the GUIPanel class, the base class for all GUI elements |
GUIPanel.h | Declares the GUIPanel class, the base class for all GUI elements |
GUIProgressBar.h | Implements the progress bar gui element |
GUIScoreBoard.cpp | Declares the GUIScoreBoard class |
GUIScoreBoard.h | Declares the GUIScoreBoard class |
GUIText.cpp | Implement the GUIText class that |
GUIText.h | Declares the GUIText class that |
GUITextEntry.h | Implements the text entry gui element |
GUIViewport.cpp | Implements the GUIViewport class that acts as the root to a tree of GUIPanels |
GUIViewport.h | Declares the GUIViewport class that acts as the root to a tree of GUIPanels |
HighScores.cpp | Implements the HighScores class |
HighScores.h | Defines HighScores class |
Image.h | Implements the Image resource class |
Keyboard.h | Declares the Keyboard interface |
Keys.h | Declares the Key symbols used to identify Keyboard and mouse inputs |
Level.cpp | Implement the Level class |
Level.h | Declares the Level class |
LevelParser.h | Implements the level parser class |
main.cpp | Main entry point to the BrickOut ReDuX application |
MathCommon.cpp | Implements common/useful functions |
MathCommon.h | Defines and includes common Math data types and functions |
MathDraw.h | Defines functions for drawing common math objects |
Matrix.h | Defines a 3x3 matrix template class |
Mouse.h | Declares the mouse interface and mouse data types |
MusicPlayer.cpp | Implements the MusicPlayer class |
MusicPlayer.h | Defines the MusicPlayer class for playing custom playlists |
MusicVisualizerEffect.cpp | Implement the MusicVisualizerEffect background effect for visualizing music and sound |
MusicVisualizerEffect.h | Declares the MusicVisualizerEffect background effect for visualizing music and sound |
Paddle.cpp | Implements the Paddle class |
Paddle.h | Declares the Paddle class that represents the user controlled game paddle |
ParticleSystem.cpp | Implements the ParticleSystem and associated classes |
ParticleSystem.h | Declares the policy based ParticleSystem and is associated classes |
ParticleSystemExt.cpp | Implements the ParticleSystemExt policies |
ParticleSystemExt.h | Declares Extensions to the policy based ParticleSystem |
Path.cpp | Implement system indepent functions for manipulating file system Paths |
Path.h | Declares system indepent functions for manipulating file system Paths |
PhysicsJoint.cpp | Implements the physics joints used to constrain physics objects |
PhysicsJoint.h | Defines the physics joints used to constrain physics objects |
PhysicsShape.h | Implements the PhysicsShape and PhysicsCompoundShape classes aswell as the Shape file format |
Point.h | Defines a 2D Point template class |
PowerUp.cpp | Implements the PowerUp class |
PowerUp.h | Defines the PowerUp class that are dropped from bricks |
ResourceManager.h | Defines classes and types for loading/creating managed resources |
Screen.h | Declares the Screen interface that represents the main drawable area of the game |
SDLApplication.cpp | Implements the SDLApplication class |
SDLApplication.h | Declares the SDLApplication class that represents a realtime app using SDL |
SDLMouse.cpp | Implements the SDLMouse class |
SDLMouse.h | Declares the SDL implementation of the IMouse interface |
SDLScreen.cpp | Implements the SDLScreen class |
SDLScreen.h | Declares the Screen interface that represents the main drawable area of the game |
Sound.cpp | Implements the Sound resource class |
Sound.h | Defines the Sound resource class |
Sprite.h | Declares the sprite class |
StarFieldEffect.cpp | Implements the StarFieldEffect background effect |
StarFieldEffect.h | Declares the StarFieldEffect background effect |
StringUtility.cpp | Implements functions for manipulating strings |
StringUtility.h | Defines functions for manipulating strings |
TextParticleSystem.cpp | Implements the TextParticleSystem class |
TextParticleSystem.h | Declares the TextParticleSystem classes |
TransitionEffect.cpp | Implements the common transition effects |
TransitionEffect.h | Declares the TransitionEffect interface and common implementations |
Vector.h | Defines a 2D vector class |
Version.h | Defines versioning functions and macros |