File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
AnimatedSprite.cppImplements the AnimatedSprite class
AnimatedSprite.hDeclares the AnimatedSprite class
BackgroundEffect.hDeclares the BackgroundEffect base class for representing niffty background effects
Ball.cppImplements the ball class
Ball.hDeclares the ball class
BaseTypes.hDefines base types and macros
BrickGroup.cppImplements the BrickGroup class
BrickGroup.hDeclares the BrickGroup class
BrickOutGame.cppImplements the BrickOutGame class
BrickOutGame.hDeclares the BrickOutGame class is the starting point for BrickOut |ReDuX| game
BufferedKeyboardInput.cppImplements the BufferedKeyboardInput class
BufferedKeyboardInput.hDeclares the BufferedKeyboardInput class that buffers text input from a keyboard
Color.hDefines the Color class
CommandLine.cppImplements the CommandLine class
CommandLine.hDeclares the CommandLine class
ConfigFile.cppImplements the ConfigFile class
ConfigFile.hDeclares the ConfigFile class that loads a configuration file
Console.cppImplements the Console class
Console.hDeclares the Console class used for outputting text and accepting user input in-game
ConsoleVars.cppDefines global console variables
ConsoleVars.hDeclares global console variables
ConVar.cppImplements the ConVar class
ConVar.hDeclares the ConVar class used for interacting with the application through the console
Credits.hImplements the Credits class
Curve.hDefines classes for representing variouse types of curves
DataPaths.cppImplements the DataPaths static class
DataPaths.hDeclares the DataPaths static class for accessing path information to data directories
FileSystem.cppImplements system independent funcitons for managing the filesystem
FileSystem.hDeclares system independent funcitons for managing the filesystem
Font.hDefines the Font resource class
FormattedText.hDefines functions for formatting text
FramesPerSecond.cppImplements a class that counts the number of frames per second
FramesPerSecond.hDeclares a class that counts the number of frames per second
GameCompleteScreen.hDefines GameCompleteScreen class used to display the game over and level complete screens
GameMouse.hDefines the mouse spacific to the BrickOut game
GameSettings.cppImplements the class that holds games settings loaded from a config file
GameSettings.hDeclares the class that holds games settings loaded from a config file
GameSplashScreen.hDefines GameSplashScreen class used to display the initial splash screen on load
GameState.cppImplements the GameState class
GameState.hDefines GameState class
Globals.cppImplements global functions
Globals.hDefines the global data set maintained by the application
GUIButton.cppImplements the GUIButton class
GUIButton.hDeclares the GUIButton class
GUIMainMenu.cppImplements the GUIMenuButton class
GUIMainMenu.hDeclares the GUIMenuButton class
GUIMenuButton.cppImplements the GUIMenuButton class
GUIMenuButton.hDeclares the GUIMenuButton class
GUIMultiplierTimer.cppImplements the GUI element that represents the multiplier timer
GUIMultiplierTimer.hDeclares the GUI element that represents the multiplier timer
GUINameEntryScreen.hDeclares the GUINameEntryScreen class used for entering names for high scores
GUIPanel.cppImplements the GUIPanel class, the base class for all GUI elements
GUIPanel.hDeclares the GUIPanel class, the base class for all GUI elements
GUIProgressBar.hImplements the progress bar gui element
GUIScoreBoard.cppDeclares the GUIScoreBoard class
GUIScoreBoard.hDeclares the GUIScoreBoard class
GUIText.cppImplement the GUIText class that
GUIText.hDeclares the GUIText class that
GUITextEntry.hImplements the text entry gui element
GUIViewport.cppImplements the GUIViewport class that acts as the root to a tree of GUIPanels
GUIViewport.hDeclares the GUIViewport class that acts as the root to a tree of GUIPanels
HighScores.cppImplements the HighScores class
HighScores.hDefines HighScores class
Image.hImplements the Image resource class
Keyboard.hDeclares the Keyboard interface
Keys.hDeclares the Key symbols used to identify Keyboard and mouse inputs
Level.cppImplement the Level class
Level.hDeclares the Level class
LevelParser.hImplements the level parser class
main.cppMain entry point to the BrickOut ReDuX application
MathCommon.cppImplements common/useful functions
MathCommon.hDefines and includes common Math data types and functions
MathDraw.hDefines functions for drawing common math objects
Matrix.hDefines a 3x3 matrix template class
Mouse.hDeclares the mouse interface and mouse data types
MusicPlayer.cppImplements the MusicPlayer class
MusicPlayer.hDefines the MusicPlayer class for playing custom playlists
MusicVisualizerEffect.cppImplement the MusicVisualizerEffect background effect for visualizing music and sound
MusicVisualizerEffect.hDeclares the MusicVisualizerEffect background effect for visualizing music and sound
Paddle.cppImplements the Paddle class
Paddle.hDeclares the Paddle class that represents the user controlled game paddle
ParticleSystem.cppImplements the ParticleSystem and associated classes
ParticleSystem.hDeclares the policy based ParticleSystem and is associated classes
ParticleSystemExt.cppImplements the ParticleSystemExt policies
ParticleSystemExt.hDeclares Extensions to the policy based ParticleSystem
Path.cppImplement system indepent functions for manipulating file system Paths
Path.hDeclares system indepent functions for manipulating file system Paths
PhysicsJoint.cppImplements the physics joints used to constrain physics objects
PhysicsJoint.hDefines the physics joints used to constrain physics objects
PhysicsShape.hImplements the PhysicsShape and PhysicsCompoundShape classes aswell as the Shape file format
Point.hDefines a 2D Point template class
PowerUp.cppImplements the PowerUp class
PowerUp.hDefines the PowerUp class that are dropped from bricks
ResourceManager.hDefines classes and types for loading/creating managed resources
Screen.hDeclares the Screen interface that represents the main drawable area of the game
SDLApplication.cppImplements the SDLApplication class
SDLApplication.hDeclares the SDLApplication class that represents a realtime app using SDL
SDLMouse.cppImplements the SDLMouse class
SDLMouse.hDeclares the SDL implementation of the IMouse interface
SDLScreen.cppImplements the SDLScreen class
SDLScreen.hDeclares the Screen interface that represents the main drawable area of the game
Sound.cppImplements the Sound resource class
Sound.hDefines the Sound resource class
Sprite.hDeclares the sprite class
StarFieldEffect.cppImplements the StarFieldEffect background effect
StarFieldEffect.hDeclares the StarFieldEffect background effect
StringUtility.cppImplements functions for manipulating strings
StringUtility.hDefines functions for manipulating strings
TextParticleSystem.cppImplements the TextParticleSystem class
TextParticleSystem.hDeclares the TextParticleSystem classes
TransitionEffect.cppImplements the common transition effects
TransitionEffect.hDeclares the TransitionEffect interface and common implementations
Vector.hDefines a 2D vector class
Version.hDefines versioning functions and macros
Generated on Mon Apr 5 19:08:06 2010 for BrickOut |ReDuX| by  doxygen 1.6.3