HighScores Class Reference

Defines a class that holds and displays High Scores. More...

#include <Game/HighScores.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 HighScores (const GameSettings &settings)
 ~HighScores ()
void LoadScoresFromFile (const char *file)
 Loads high scores from a file.
void SaveScoresToFile (const char *file) const
 Saves the high scores to a file.
void ClearHighScores ()
 Clears all of the high scores.
bool IsHighScore (uint score) const
 Returns true if the given score is a high score.
void AddHighScore (const char *name, uint score)
 Adds a new high score.
void ResetHighlighting ()
 Clears highlighting of newly added high scores.
void Draw ()
 Draws the high scores.

Detailed Description

Defines a class that holds and displays High Scores.

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Generated on Mon Apr 5 19:08:06 2010 for BrickOut |ReDuX| by  doxygen 1.6.3