ParticleSystem.h File Reference

Declares the policy based ParticleSystem and is associated classes. More...

#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
#include "Graphics/Screen.h"
#include "Graphics/Image.h"
#include "Graphics/Color.h"
#include "Math/MathCommon.h"


struct  Particle
 A basic struct for Particles, should be sufficient for most particle systems. More...
class  NullInitPolicy< ParticleType >
 A policy that does nothing and can be used as any policy template paramater in the InitPolicy class. More...
class  NullUpdatePolicy< ParticleType >
 A policy that does nothing and can be used as any policy template paramater in the UpdatePolicy class. More...
class  CompositeInitPolicy< Policy1, Policy2, ParticleType >
 A policy that combines any two distict policies with the same methods as found in the InitPolicy class. NOTE: Policy1 and Policy2 should not have the same names for any of its members. More...
class  InitPolicy< PositionPolicy, VelocityPolicy, AnglePolicy, SizePolicy, ColorPolicy, AgePolicy, UserPolicy, ParticleType >
 The complete Policy template for initializing particles, used by the ParticleSystem class. More...
class  UpdatePolicy< MotionPolicy, PositionPolicy, VelocityPolicy, AnglePolicy, SizePolicy, ColorPolicy, AgePolicy, UserPolicy, ParticleType >
 The complete Policy template for updating particles, used by the ParticleSystem class. More...
class  DefaultEmitPolicy< ParticleType >
 Defines the default emit policy that never emits particles. More...
class  ParticleSystem< MaxParticles, InitPolicy, UpdatePolicy, EmitPolicy, DrawPolicy, ParticleType >
 The base class for spawning and managing particles. More...
class  ContinuousEmitPolicy< ParticleType >
 Defines the an emit policy that continuously emits particles with some flowrate. More...

Detailed Description

Declares the policy based ParticleSystem and is associated classes.

Joe Forte
Generated on Mon Apr 5 19:08:05 2010 for BrickOut |ReDuX| by  doxygen 1.6.3