Camera | Represents a camera that rotates around a fixed point |
Color4f | Represents an RGBA floating-point color |
ColorBox | The color box widget allows for a single color to be displayed and changed |
ColorBoxListner | Abstract class that can be implemented to listen to ColorBox events |
Cube | The class that represents the volumes bounding cube |
CubeDef | Defines a cube |
CubeFrame | Defines the lines that make up a cube |
CubePlanes | Defines the planes of a cube |
LineSegment | Defines a line segment |
MainWindow | The main application window that holds the OpenGL display and the controls |
Matrix< T > | Represents a 4x4 Matrix |
PixelShader | Represents a pixel shader program |
Plane | Defines an infinite planes |
PlotPoint | Holds the points that defines transfer functions |
Point3< T > | Represents a position in 3D space |
Ray | Defines a ray |
RTVolumeRenderer | Renders voulme data sets in an interactive window |
ScreenRect | Defines a 2D rectangular region of screen space |
ShaderProgram | Represents a complete shader program |
Sphere | Defines a sphere |
TransferFunctionPlot | The widget for displaying the transfer function as a piecewise-linear function |
TransferFunctionWidget | The widget for creating tranfer functions |
TransferPlotChangeListner | Interface that is called when thr transfer plot changes |
TransferTexture | Holds a texture that represents a transfer function |
TransferTexture::ControlPoint | Holds point information for defining a piecewise linear function |
Vector3< T > | Represents a vector in 3D space |
VertexShader | Represents a vertex shader program |
VolumeRenderingApp | The volume rendering application class |
VolumeTexture | Represents a 3D volume texture |
VTInfo | Holds useful information about a *.vt volume texture |