ResourceRef< resType, initType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ResourceRef< resType, initType >, including all inherited members.
GetID() const ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
Invalidate()ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
IsValid() const ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
operator bool() const ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
operator!() const ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
operator!=(const ResourceRef &ref) const ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
operator->()ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
operator->() const ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
operator=(const ResourceRef &rhs)ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
operator==(const ResourceRef &ref) const ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
ResourceRef()ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
ResourceRef(const ResourceRef &rf)ResourceRef< resType, initType > [inline]
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